Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Meteorologist - Best Job Ever?

"Stormchasers" may be my favorite new show. I would love to get out there and chase those monster funnels that I could never attempt to stop or alter their path. If I ever become a billionaire, I will probably fund a stormchasing team (probably called Team Hammer) for kicks and giggles. The Dominator and TIV would be no match for my bat-mobile tornado chaser. Hey, I can dream can't I?

As I was walking the 20 minutes home from campus today, I realized that my light fleece jacket was not keeping me warm enough. Now, you might say, "Matthew, you're fault for taking the wrong jacket!" But, the weather app on my desktop this morning said the current temperature was 41 and that the high was 51. It lied. The temperature never got above 40. Now, what job could be cooler than one where you get to chase weather and be wrong 75% of the time? Check out this photo!
Is that a tornado or God's shower curtain?


  1. I think that's an alien spaceship sent here to destroy human food supply
