A collection of thoughts and stories from the life of an aspiring scientist.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I can't wait until we crown a Leaders and Legends Division Champions! Really, that's the best we can do?
Friday, December 10, 2010
Friday Fragments
Lastly, I found a viral movie called The Tunnel. It looks a bit like a crossed between Blair Witch and Cloverfield. And it's only going to be released on torrents (which I despise). However, I'm intrigued and will decide whether to get the movie once more trailers are out. Oh and Inception is out on DVD!
3) I believe there is a Boilermaker curse upon us. Even the invincible Chris Kramer has suffered a knee injury in his first season with the NBA D-league Ft. Wayne Mad Ants. This whole knee injury stuff is just getting annoying now!
4) And lastly...an 11-year old who can dunk.
I hope everyone enjoys the first Friday Fragments.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Update - NASA's New Life?!
The most interesting comment by Dr. Redfield was, "If this data was presented by a PhD student at their committee meeting, I'd send them back to the bench to do more cleanup and controls." To say this about our most famous research and scientific organization in the country and probably the world, is shocking but true. I have asked for advice from professors and graduate students alike, and they all have one thing to say in common..."Make sure your controls are sound!" I am a little disappointed that NASA's astrobiologists failed at such a simple research philosophy.
Check out the NASA report here.
My New Lab Office!
I believe that is a chalkboard, I'll have my own chalkboard (kinda)!
My favorite part, the door has an actual sign on it for Research in IPPH.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Google Chrome OS: One Step Closer to World Domination.
Since that first Beta test, the "Google Machine," as it is sometimes referred, has developed a rapport with the public of unveiling current technologies better. For example, Google Maps as most definitely overtaken Mapquest as the perferred online and mobile atlas. Also, Gmail is one of the most common email providers in the world and most people even choose to link their other accounts into their Gmail account.
In 2005, Google started partnering (buying) with other major technological groups. NASA and AOL/Time Warner partner with Google for an assortment of projects including the NORAD Tracks Santa Project. In 2006, Google bought YouTube.com and partnered with Sony and Warner Brothers, making Google the epicenter of all things entertainment related. Just recently Google has unveiled Google Phones which springboard off of Google's simple design and deliver a seamless interface for users.
But now the time has come for Google to take on the computer giants (Microsoft and Apple). Google Chromium OS, named and based on the Chrome web browser, was released today for all the world to see. It is exactly what you would expect from Google. The OS itself is essentially a web browser that is your entire operating system. It can run within your current OS or on an independent machine. I have not had the opportunity to try it out nor will I get to anytime soon, but it looks and sounds simple, fast, and secure. They claim it is ideal for those who spend most of their time on the internet while using their computer.
All these advances lead me to believe that Google's ultimate goal is to rule the technology realm.. Don't get me wrong, I use Google Chrome and Gmail and Google Maps and Google but I'm just sure the world will convert to Google OS like they did everything else. I mean Windows is still by far the most preferred OS by businesses and universities alike. There are some conversions to MAC out there, but MAC OS remains primarily a personal OS. But, we must wait and see! Check out a review of the OS here.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
E. Coli - Friend or Foe?


Thursday, December 2, 2010
Quick Random Thoughts
1) NASA found "new" life. It is actually a really, really, REALLY big deal. NASA announced it today at a press conference that had people buzzing about alien life. Basically these new microbes use arsenic instead of phosphorous. This includes their DNA and ATP (or it should now be renamed ATA I guess). They are found in the Mono Lake, California and it is quite the discovery. Get a quick run-down here.
2) I finalized my class schedule for next semester and I will be taking three classes along with beginning lab research. The classes include Physical Chemistry, Particle Design and Process, and Computational Chemistry. Currently I am taking Statistical Models, Organic Spectroscopy, and Linear Algebra/Differential Equations. I believe whatever my research is specifically it will have a much larger emphasis on mathematical modeling of solid systems, as that is something the Taylor Lab group wants to pursue.
3) I played Wallyball last night and as I was watching some NBA highlights earlier today I wondered what it would be like if instead of professional basketball, we watched, cheered for, and celebrated Wallyball teams. That stuff is exciting and I think people would watch it. Kind of like Slam Ball, where the heck did that sport go?
I hope this is enough to occupy your time for at least five minutes today. I know it did for me!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Weather Proof Matches
At one point he actually cleans off the wet dirt from the match and then it reignites. I feel like that disrupts some law of physics, chemistry, thermodynamics, or something. This could also be a disaster waiting to happen at a drunken college party or redneck wedding.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Meteorologist - Best Job Ever?

Monday, November 29, 2010
All I Want For Christmas...
With December looming, and a new Christmas tree in my apartment, I can't help add a couple things to my holiday wish list. Besides new bed sheets, video games, and a new lamp I would really like a sports team that wins! Purdue sports is plagued by torn ACLs and blatant disrespect. I will continue to be a die-hard fan until then end, but I just want to catch one break as a fan. My patient with the media is wearing thin. Plus, my other football teams, the Colts and Boise State Broncos both are looking dim (well Boise State is still a damn good football team but any national title hopes have been demolished). The Reds gave me a good jolt in October by getting to the playoffs, but they made Philly look super human and honestly it was embarrassing to watch. And if the Pacers somehow make it into the playoffs and win the NBA finals because they did just beat LA, I might just give up sports all together. Actually I will never do that, but I will question the basketball Gods sense of humor in destroying Indiana college basketball (see Gordon's half-court shot, Robbie's torn ACL, and even the fact that IU has been one of the worst teams in the country lately) to watch a Pacer team full of overachievers win. It makes my brain hurt! Oh well.
Oh, and I would love a new Merck Index, too!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Let's Get It Started (again)!
Well, well, well! It has been a while since I have posted anything, and all 3 of my followers have probably given up on this blog. However, I am back and have a mission. I will continue to give an inside look into my graduate school studies and the interesting people, places, and things I get to be involved with. But I will also publicize and promote anything science related that I deem interesting or significant.
One more thing, I will post a new writing every Sunday night (could be very early Monday morning) and I hope to get to the point where I post a paragraph or two every day. It is ambitious but I believe it is doable. So, let's get back to the grind...
Back in October, Purdue hosted the 8th Annual Peck Symposium. Named after the Emeritus Professor of Industrial Pharmacy at Purdue, Garnet E. Peck, the event highlights what's new and upcoming in the Pharmaceutical Industry. This year's event featured pediatric formulation advances and nanotechnology in drug delivery. Now, you can read the biographies and research of the presenter's here but I have a few notes of the conference that I took and thought would be interesting to share.
First, I am a naive, stupid little grad student. I know very little and also found myself to be way to ambitious about hearing what everyone had to say. There were 8 speakers who each gave 50 minute lectures on subjects well above my head, along with a formal lunch in the middle. I thought going into the event, "Oh, I can listen and take notes on interesting things throughout the day and could probably sneak out if I needed a break or two." Nope, there were just as many distinguished alumni and faculty as students and I found out really quickly that I was not prepared to sit through 8 hours of lecturing. The senior grad students lined the back of the room with their laptops while the other professors all had smart phones to occupy their time when the lectures got dry. I found myself sitting next to the department head of Purdue trying not to fall asleep, and I love this stuff! Oh well, I'll learn how to adapt to the environment.
Second, I slowly realized that I was surrounded by some of the best minds in the industry. Dr. Peck, of which the event was named for, has been around Industrial Pharmacy forever. He is the head of the lab class which I am a teaching assistant. He practically invented the idea of industrial and physical pharmacy (the name of my department at Purdue). Dr. Byrn, who was a speaker and I have taken a couple classes from in my undergraduate studies, was honored at lunch by have a volume of a Solid State Pharmaceutics Journal dedicated to him (only the second person to have this honor). Dr. Bryn is considered to be one of the father's of solid state chemistry analysis (which is the basis for my research in grad school). I feel I choose the right place to go to school for solid state research in industry. Oh, and congrats to Dr. Ei-ichi Negishi (pronounced "H. Na-gE-shE") who just won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry and was one of the professors who helped develop the Spectroscopy course I am in currently.
All in all, I felt quite small in a field of which I used to feel fairly competent in. I aspire to one day be asked to speak at this symposium, because maybe then I will stay awake. As for now, I will begin my actual research in Dr. Taylor's group next semester. This semester I am finishing up some classes and I am a TA for a pharmaceutical processes course (students get to make acetaminophen tablets). I am working on a post outlining what my research will be geared toward soon, probably in the second installment of "Behind the Lab Bench!"
Monday, September 27, 2010
Behind the (Lab) Bench


Thursday, September 16, 2010
Back to the Bottom of the Totem Pole
As anyone who cares to read this blog knows, I have just begun school...again! I am beginning my next academic chapter in pursuing my Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics. And for all the new opportunities it sure feels familiar. With every new step in our academic careers, we seem to follow a very similar outline for every chapter.
You begin each step by reviewing what you learned before (minus the Kindergarten stage because you know nothing then). In Jr. High, you take the first placement tests to see what classes you start in. High school is similar but it adds all the "tracks" to graduating; such as Core 40, Honors, AP, etc. College again is all about placement tests and tracks, but adds that entire new dimension of living on your own and trying to remember how your mom folded your clothes, kinda. Next everyone must accomplish a laundry list of menial tasks to provide a foundation to stand on. This includes book fees, medical records, driving records, signing your name so many times that you only remember to put the M and J on everything. And lastly, there is the whole concept of being at the bottom of the totem pole and having to work your way back up to the top.
Now, a part of me assumed that continuing onto Grad School, especially at the same University, I might be able to bypass these "steps." Incorrect! I have found myself feeling much like a freshman in college or high school again, even though I am a college graduate and I turning 23 next week. I have had to sign so many documents that my signature looks like Michael Jordan's without the 23. Next, I am in 5 classes, only one of which directly relates to Pharmaceutics, and that is Seminar. For those who don't know, seminar is one hour a week to go and listen to professors and industry professionals talk about whatever they want. My other classes include two math classes, a chemistry course, and a laboratory safety course which is taught by the real life Ms. Frizzle! I have gone from discussing solubility issues during production of drugs and working on the problems of tomorrow, to solving differential equations and drawing plots about the sales of automobiles for the 3rd or 4th or 5th time, I can't remember. Thus, my motivation has been slowed. Instead I am enjoying the little things in life to get me through the mundane times of being a newbie such as; Monday Night Football, 4th Meal, and Frisbee Golf.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
It's Been...One Week! (Part 1)
First, I finished my last shift at the dorms (haha I can say that now instead of Residence Halls) Friday afternoon. An exciting yet uneventful time because everyone else was is RA training at that time. Well, I spent the entire evening packing up and moving all of my things into my girlfriend, Heather's apartment and my parents van. I did not do this out of desire to be out of McCutcheon Hall but rather because I couldn't move into my new apartment until Sunday and BGR (Freshman Orientation Week at Purdue) move-in was Saturday and Sunday. Essentially I couldn't move out while 750 kids move in.
Thus, Friday and Saturday I spent at Heather's apartment with all of my stuff crammed into the living room. Granted it was a little easier considering Heather and her roommate Kristin weren't back to Purdue yet, but still I have a lot of crap! Saturday I recollected on BGR move-in and decided to check-in with my favorite pals at MCUT. Boy is it fun watching freshman move-in! It was a little sad to realize I was done with that part of my life but on the other hand I realize I am so ready to grow up and be on my own; no more "babysitting!" I wish the MCUT Staff and all RA Staffs the best this year and you have my full respect. Additionally if any RAs would like to come chill at my new place for a beer and time away from the hall, my door is still always open!
Well, finally Sunday rolled around and I got to move into my new place. My parents kindly came and helped me move my stuff again from Heather's to my place. For those keeping score at home that was my third such move in a month as I had to move all of my stuff to another room at MCUT before I moved out of there.
But to cap off the weekend, I met up with my beautiful girlfriend Heather in the 'Burg and we headed to the much anticipated John Mayer concert in Noblesville. Now, I really enjoyed the "show" Lady Gaga put on at Purdue and I look forward to the "concert" by Maroon 5 next month, but John Mayer put on the best performance I have ever seen. He just looked like he was up there with his best friends wanting to share his musical passion with everyone there. Heather and I agreed that there aren't very many (if any) John Mayer songs we don't like but he seemed to make each song better than the last. And I'll give props to Heather on calling the encore song "Half of my Heart" which was then melted into a great rendition of Journey's "Don't Stop Believing!" The concert was worth that song alone and I really hope he makes a like album from this tour because he also did a mash-up of "Ain't No Sunshine." So if you ever get the chance to see him live, please do because it is an experience like no other. Oh yeah and we sat in like the 30th row, so we could actually see John rather than a video screen with him on it. Whatever...no big deal! ;-)
That weekend alone is enough to warrant some rest. Well no sir, graduate school orientation started Monday, not to mention I did not realize all the things needed to live on your own for the first time. I will continue with that in Part Two probably tomorrow! Take care!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Moving in a New Direction
Moving to a new place can be both exciting and exhausting. The game part comes from what you find along the way. For example; I did not know that I had 8 co-axial cables, yet when I looked for ONE s-video cable yesterday in my "Electronics" box I could not find any. I also didn't realize that I have so many shirts...FROM HIGH SCHOOL. Now I have told myself that the best time to get rid of these is during the move (mistake). It is just time consuming and I have a hard time getting rid of that baseball jersey from 6th grade that I won the Whiteland Invitational Baseball Tourney in, not mention my State Finals marching band shirt.
Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity to say that I will be shifting the idea of this blog ever so slightly. Originally, I was only going to make posts about scientific things or other topics pertaining to being a scientist. I would like to continue that while also allowing my family and friends to share in my experiences. So Mom, go ahead and send the link to this blog to anyone you want because this will be easier for me to keep in touch with people than a cheesy letter at Christmas. I'm not big on stationeries anyway.
So in the spirit of this new direction, here's what's new:
This week marks the last of my work in Residential Life at Purdue. And while it has been fun I am ready to have my weekends and nights back to myself. It's been a roller coaster last two years but I am ready to grow up! This weekend I will be attending my Grandparents 50th Wedding Anniversary! Congratulations to Dick and Jane Jackson! On the flip side, a friend told me that their grandparents 50th party was "off-the-chain!" Now I know that I won't be getting crunk at this celebration but it will be fun to finally drink a beer with my bro (it was his 21st birthday last month, congrats Adam). Oh and it's my other brother's birthday this week too...18th birthday! Porn, cigarettes, and
lottery tickets, Hooray!!! Congrats, you mess up now you go to big boy jail!
The next week I finally move into my own place in West Lafayette. Feel free to stop by anytime when you're around town as I am always up for entertaining! And lastly, the same day I move into my new apartment my girl and I are headed to the John Mayer concert (I think we only wanted to see him now, for like 3-4 years...whatever). So yeah, the next couple weeks will be crazy awesome and I intend to follow this post up with a few entertaining stories. Until next time!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Competition and Character

But, I also take pride in losing the right way. You should always hold your head up high and give 110% even if your down by 10 runs. As a coach I rarely had any kids who didn't give it their all. My favorite team to have been a part of, player or coach, was my last year as a manager for 13-14 year old's. And after every game, we were still able to enjoy having played the game, regardless of the outcome. Winning the bigger battles was our main goal; not trash talking, hustling out every ground ball, having fun together, and thanking our parents for the opportunity to play baseball on that particular day. We finished the season 5-6 but we had fun every game. We scored A LOT of runs (11 per game) and gave up just as many (12 per game). Those kids just knew how to play the game right, keep their heads up and push through the hard times. And at no point did any of them succumb to cheating or giving up on a game. They showed how much character they really have and I admire that. I challenge any of you who read this to remember that team when your back is against the wall. Don't take the easy way out and never give up! There is always more pride in losing the "right way" than winning the "wrong way."

All in all, competition is good but your character will make you great. Being around the scientific community more and more allows me to notice the competition. As I meet new people, I can picture the little leaguer in all of them. Some would do anything to win, like stealing 2nd base when the pitcher is tying his shoe and forgot to ask for time out. And some would sacrifice whatever for the greater good, like carrying someone around the bases. I strive to surround myself with those genuine people who might give up a big paycheck in order to make a more meaningful contribution to society. Everyone can be destined to make a difference. You must be willing to compete against the struggles and allow your character to carry you to greatness.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Private space flight had a big boost this month. SpaceX successfully launched their Falcon 9/Dragon Rocket. It achieved orbit which means we are less than 5 years from privatized space flight. Hey, if they need a pharmaceutical scientist on Mars...sign me up!

I was given one more reason to despise soccer, thanks Team USA. Don't get me wrong, I cheered and celebrated as much as the next guy when we scored against Algeria but making a video of our reactions making it seem as though we just won the "Universe Cup" when all we really did was qualify for the next round...it's a little absurd. Oh and Megan Fox got married, bummer!
Lastly, check out this video of lightning hitting three buildings at the same time in Chicago...
Lightning strikes three of the tallest buildings in Chicago at the same time! from Craig Shimala on Vimeo.
Gorgeous power! The storms that have been rolling through the Midwest lately have been more dangerous than usually. I wasn't sure hail existed still because every time the weatherman claims there is golf hall size hail, all I ever see is down-pouring rain. But, I have seen hail twice in two weeks now and I am again a believer.
Coming soon (if you have an idea for a "scientific" post you want to see, please leave it in the comment section): BPPL, male birth control, why health statistics/studies can be good or bad, and possibly a Purdue sports outlook, because I can!
Oh, and here is my shout-out of the week. It was my girlfriend, Heather's 21st b-day last week! So Happy Birthday, love! :-)
Saturday, June 12, 2010
"FINAL" Project




Now after all my rambling, I do have a solution. The best way to solve problems, especially one's where there could be multiple answers and need to involve many different aspects, is to give it to students. Tell all the engineering students at the top engineering schools that they must "solve" this crisis as their engineering final to graduate. That motivation is so great, and the ideas are so raw that it would more than certainly work. The students would work in teams pulling an "All-weeker" (that's the week form of an all-nighter) and hand in a spotless proposal Monday morning after drinking enough coffee to kill a small elephant and eating enough cold pizza to freak out your mom, and still finding time to play a few rounds of beer pong Saturday night while their computers were recharging. My assumption is that the people currently working on this project have tunnel vision and have no capacity to see problems before they happen (like a machine freezing up in water that is essentially below freezing! DUH! - and I can explain that in another post if anybody wants me too). College seniors that have worked on unsolvable problems for four years would gladly take the opportunity to show up the big time companies and fix the problems. I even believe that Purdue's own Rube Goldberg Team (pictured below) could solve this problem in fewer attempts!

In all seriousness, it is a terrible catastrophe and we must all do our part to help fix this and prevent future disasters. Let's just hope that BP comes to it's senses and asks for help from someone!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Best Condom Advertising Ever
Alright. So my close friends know that my mom used to be a sex education teacher (and that she taught it at my high school). And some of you also know that I even put on a Sex and Sundaes Program about sex education, at Purdue for freshmen....with my mom. Thus, I have some pretty strong opinions about sex education. For example, I believe that abstinence only sex education programs are completely the wrong approach within public school systems. They might work for churches, private schools, and home schools but to the broad spectrum of teens, they need to be taught EVERYTHING! Not teaching teens about STDs (or the newly accepted STIs, sexually transmitted infections), not teaching kids about birth control, and not teaching kids about the consequences of sex is depriving kids of vital information. It's like teaching math to 2nd graders by giving them a calculator but not telling them what all the symbols on the calculator mean (so they press all the buttons and eventually delete your version of Frogger and Tetris on your graphing calculator, damn!).
To add to my strong feelings, pharmacy school preaches to young pharmacists to help teach young people about the products available for safe sex. So I have seen ever disgusting, raunchy, crazy, glow-in-the-dark ad campaign there is. However, I believe that Durex now holds the world's best condom advertisement campaign with their new iPhone app. Check it out--
Durex Baby from Peter Ammentorp Lund on Vimeo.
So all you iPhone users out their...practice safe iPhone sex!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Golf - The Love/Hate Relationship
For the past two weeks I was completely frustrated at my golf game. My driver was continuing to slice and only go about 150 yards off the tee. That forced me to play par 4 holes like par 5 holes, reaching the green in 3 shots (at least). On top of that, I have been struggling with the putter. However, my irons and short game have been my saving grace keeping me right above bogey golf. But today, everything clicked. I made some putts, including a 15 footer off the fringe for my birdie. The driver still sliced a bit but I controlled it, and I was finally getting 230-250 yards off the tee. And I went birdie, par, par, bogey, bogey on the par 3's which is where I seem to add extra strokes which kill my score.
Thus my love/hate relationship. I have been posting scores around 90 for almost a year now, and today I posted my lowest score yet with an 88. Yet I feel I shot way better today than I ever have before. I am trying to come up with an explanation. I believe I have reached a point in my golf game where unless I make a few more incredible shots, I will score the same whether I hit the green in two and three putt from 55 feet or use four crappy shots and save a bogey with a 10 foot putt. My friend Jason came to golf with me today and at least twice today we tied on holes where I smashed a drive 230 yards and then reached next to the green on my second shot. He might have shanked his drive and second shot, but recovered with a decent wedge and made a nice putt while I made a bad chip or missed a putt, we tied the hole with 5s or 6s. He even said to me once, "Did we really just tie that hole?!" Now I have golfed with Jason for about 5 years now, including on Team Boley for the belt (Drew and Zach, we still carry the belt, FYI!) and we have been pretty even for the most part, with myself usually taking honors home by a few strokes. His rusty 115 today proved that I am doing something right but still, I just cannot get over the hump for that really awesome round.
Of course, I have progressively been playing on better and better courses. I have finally graduated from the sandy greens of White Lick in Brownsburg and flooded fairways of Pittsburo and into the championship courses at Purdue, Twin Bridges of Danville, and other local public country clubs around West Lafayette. Even my "practice course" (the course I pay $10 dollars to play 18 holes on with the student discount), Lafayette Municipal Course, hosts many events throughout the summer and is home to high school competitions almost every week.
To wrap up, there is almost no better feeling than standing on a tee box overlooking a lake and beautiful par 5 fairway in early morning when the air is crisp and the cart is full of chewy granola bars and ice cold Gatorade.



(Note: when I mention best feeling or worst feeling or epitome of love/hate relationships, of course I mean in perspective. This post is only regarding hobbies and interests which have little to no actual life changing aspects.)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Knowledge is Power?
I ask that question because in the last couple of weeks I have been conversing with a wide range of people (family, close friends, old friends, new friends, other summer employees in housing, etc). And I have found that everywhere I go I encounter two major thoughts.
The first is the paranoia that comes with knowing too much medical background. The best way to describe this is through a specific example. Strep throat. Everybody has had strep throat at one time or another. We go to the doctor, they gag us with their ten inch q-tip, and then make us wait for 5 hours to tell us that our extremely inflamed throat is in fact strep. What scares me is knowing that if left untreated too long we can develop antibodies against strep throat which also attack our own heart valves. (Congrats you just got a small dose of paranoia!) This may seem small but things like this run through my mind every time anyone around me has any medical condition. Yes, I overreact some, but I would rather call the paramedics for indigestion than be giving CPR to a dead friend (that's a heart attack for those of you who may not know that the two can feel very similar). Honestly, I can live with the paranoia. But...
The second thought is the arrogance of people and their own health. I personally got into pharmaceuticals to help as many people as possible. What bothers me is when I hear a friend or family member talking about what fish oils they are taking or what new medical test they just had done. Even though I only have a degree in pharmaceutical sciences, I understand that 90% of what all people do for their health is incorrect or futile. The amount of supplements and personal remedies that everyone claims should work for everyone is ridiculous. We are all different and our bodies need and react to different things. Yet, trying to hold a reasonable conversation with these people about this is not going to happen because "I'm not a doctor," or "they read it in a magazine or saw it on The Dr's so it must be true!" It is utterly frustrating. I do not go on power trips or like to belittle people with my knowledge. Yet, most of the time trying to discuss people's health ends in arguing. I don't know why that is but it may come from egos clashing or our innate sense to always be right. Whatever the case, the best way for me (and all of us) to learn is by discussing things openly and admitting to being wrong now and again. Trust me, I am wrong a lot!
A professor gave me some good advice this year and I totally agree. He said, "the more you study and learn, the less you know." Basically, as we grow and learn about more concepts, we discover more things that we do not know about. And I don't know a lot. I am excited to continue my studies in the fall, but I know that with more knowledge comes more paranoia and more frustration. So I ask if you get one thing from this post it is that we live in the information era, but that doesn't mean we know more. Magazines, books, the internet, TV shows all embellish the truth and you should take everything with a grain of salt until you speak with a medical professional. So Knowledge is Power, but true knowledge comes from perspective and attitude.
I would also like to give a shout out to my good friends, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn and Anne Pratt. Your wedding was awesome and I am forever grateful to have been a part of it. Best wishes!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Full Circle
The reason I feel obligated to post right now is because my presentation (along with a friend of mine, Thomas) dealt with this type of therapy exactly. And both of us, along with our professor, agreed that no treatment existed like this and that we hope that companies and researchers alike would be able to capitalize on it. Talk about coming full circle. As the science nerd that I am, this is really, really, REALLY exciting! Actually, I am a little bummed that I am not a part of that first group of people getting Provenge approved, but it opens the door for many new therapies of cancers and potentially other severe diseases, like HIV. It truly is a great day for medicine!
Here is an additional link posting in September of 2009, describing the mechanism for these drugs a little better. And if you don't believe me about my presentation, I can send it to you if you want...just let me know!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Return to the Promise Land?
But in college, I have had no real connections with any players on any significant teams. So I turn to intramural sports, and I have NO intramural championships. Four years of basketball and football have only produced one quarterfinal football appearance. I have tried table tennis and racquetball but neither remotely panned out. I reluctantly tried co-ed softball last year with a group of girls that had previously won the Women's division, but evidently mixing with some guys produced a team who went 0-4. But maybe...just maybe...I can see a return to the promise land. Tonight, my Men's softball team played in the final four and was just two games away from that elusive intramural championship. And this is not some B-league or dorm league...it's the Men's Open league with literally only one rule-"You must go to Purdue." My team, Taco Tuesdays, was 6-0 and has outscored our opponents 67-19. And our pitcher has the nastiest knuckleball, IN SLOWPITCH SOFTBALL!
Now, me even thinking about posting this entry jinxed it as we lost 8-7. We actually rallied in the top half of the last inning to score 5 runs and go up 7-6. However, the other team hit a walk-off 2 run HR. Oh so close! But I see the potential. This same team of pretty athletic guys has only one senior that I know of, ME! And with me returning in the fall for graduate school we will have at least one more run at the softball (and football) titles. Granted I play 2nd base and hit anywhere from 6th to last in the line-up, but I could care less. If you didn't know already, I hate to lose...at anything. Mariokart, basketball, Trivial Pursuit, paper football, Chuzzle Deluxe, Bananagrams, you name I want to win it. Now, I understand that as I get further and further into the realm of science my athletic career will continue to diminish (except for maybe table tennis which again will be another post). So here's to hoping for one final return to the podium and to winning that elusive intramural championship!
Oh here is a funny clip I found of a baseball rain delay...I do miss hanging out on a baseball field, so a sandy intramural softball field will have to do!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Beginning
My name is Matt Jackson and I am currently finishing my Senior year at Purdue University. I am majoring in Pharmaceutical Sciences and have been accepting into the Ph.D. program at Purdue starting in the fall of 2010. I have lived in Indiana my entire life but I want to move outside of the Midwest at some point in my life. Currently, I am the Staff Resident (RA to the RAs) at McCutcheon Hall and until my employment is up at the end of the semester that is all I will say about that (other than I am very fortunate to have been a part of the McCutcheon Residential Life Staff team).
I think putting my goals into perspective will aid in the directionality of this blog and ultimately will decide if any of you readers actually care enough to follow me. I am fascinated by science and particularly pharmaceutical science. My dream is to one day own my own Pharmaceutical company which may or may not make it big because it would be run differently than any other drug company. In my experience, marketing people dictate what scientists can and cannot do, and that must change. It cannot always be about making money as it should be about helping people. But enough of me on a soapbox...
I am not trying to make people laugh or to upset anybody. I am simply in need of a way to further my writing skills while hopefully making a few people slow down and think now and then. Overall I am an optimistic person which wishes nothing but the best for everyone. However, I also believe you get what you deserve. I have no intentions of making it big like my high school classmate Mark did with Club Trillion. I just want to show people what I think and as I may get further away from friends and family, this seems to be the logical next step.
I'll end with a quick thought...it was reported today that the fastest internet speeds are found in college towns. I just wonder if Drew remembers the days of "56K modems" like I do?