Moving to a new place can be both exciting and exhausting. The game part comes from what you find along the way. For example; I did not know that I had 8 co-axial cables, yet when I looked for ONE s-video cable yesterday in my "Electronics" box I could not find any. I also didn't realize that I have so many shirts...FROM HIGH SCHOOL. Now I have told myself that the best time to get rid of these is during the move (mistake). It is just time consuming and I have a hard time getting rid of that baseball jersey from 6th grade that I won the Whiteland Invitational Baseball Tourney in, not mention my State Finals marching band shirt.
Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity to say that I will be shifting the idea of this blog ever so slightly. Originally, I was only going to make posts about scientific things or other topics pertaining to being a scientist. I would like to continue that while also allowing my family and friends to share in my experiences. So Mom, go ahead and send the link to this blog to anyone you want because this will be easier for me to keep in touch with people than a cheesy letter at Christmas. I'm not big on stationeries anyway.
So in the spirit of this new direction, here's what's new:
This week marks the last of my work in Residential Life at Purdue. And while it has been fun I am ready to have my weekends and nights back to myself. It's been a roller coaster last two years but I am ready to grow up! This weekend I will be attending my Grandparents 50th Wedding Anniversary! Congratulations to Dick and Jane Jackson! On the flip side, a friend told me that their grandparents 50th party was "off-the-chain!" Now I know that I won't be getting crunk at this celebration but it will be fun to finally drink a beer with my bro (it was his 21st birthday last month, congrats Adam). Oh and it's my other brother's birthday this week too...18th birthday! Porn, cigarettes, and
lottery tickets, Hooray!!! Congrats, you mess up now you go to big boy jail!
The next week I finally move into my own place in West Lafayette. Feel free to stop by anytime when you're around town as I am always up for entertaining! And lastly, the same day I move into my new apartment my girl and I are headed to the John Mayer concert (I think we only wanted to see him now, for like 3-4 years...whatever). So yeah, the next couple weeks will be crazy awesome and I intend to follow this post up with a few entertaining stories. Until next time!
Hey don't knock cheesy Christmas stationary until you've tried it. :)