Friday, June 4, 2010

Best Condom Advertising Ever

WARNING - Reader Discretion is Advised!

Alright. So my close friends know that my mom used to be a sex education teacher (and that she taught it at my high school). And some of you also know that I even put on a Sex and Sundaes Program about sex education, at Purdue for freshmen....with my mom. Thus, I have some pretty strong opinions about sex education. For example, I believe that abstinence only sex education programs are completely the wrong approach within public school systems. They might work for churches, private schools, and home schools but to the broad spectrum of teens, they need to be taught EVERYTHING! Not teaching teens about STDs (or the newly accepted STIs, sexually transmitted infections), not teaching kids about birth control, and not teaching kids about the consequences of sex is depriving kids of vital information. It's like teaching math to 2nd graders by giving them a calculator but not telling them what all the symbols on the calculator mean (so they press all the buttons and eventually delete your version of Frogger and Tetris on your graphing calculator, damn!).

To add to my strong feelings, pharmacy school preaches to young pharmacists to help teach young people about the products available for safe sex. So I have seen ever disgusting, raunchy, crazy, glow-in-the-dark ad campaign there is. However, I believe that Durex now holds the world's best condom advertisement campaign with their new iPhone app. Check it out--

Durex Baby from Peter Ammentorp Lund on Vimeo.

So all you iPhone users out their...practice safe iPhone sex!

1 comment:

  1. I think that's a pretty effective ad! What would be interesting if they simulate the spread of STDs. For example, what if they infected 2 or 3 iPhones and then told them later that they had an STD? I think this would be an effective way to spread awareness of the spread of STDs.
